Road Routes
Short Road Routes
Explore our Road Route Maps to find your perfect run
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distance, terrain, route type, washroom access, water availability, route description and more!
Clover Point to Breakwater Boogie
8 km Downtown
The Dallas Road waterfront from Clover Point to Ogden Point breakwater is one of Victoria’s most popular running and walking routes. Enjoy the spectacular view over the sparkling Salish Sea to the Olympic Mountains as you run along the paved path hugging Beacon Hill Park’s rugged shoreline. Depending on the day, you may see paragliders, kite surfers, sun worshipers, cruise ships or sailboats…even the occasional whale!
The Totally Awesome Ten Mile Pt – Queenswood Loop
8.5 km Saanich
Ten Mile Point and Queenswood are two of Victoria’s most prestigious residential areas. It just so happens they also offer one of the best running routes in the city. If you’re looking for something under 10 km, we highly recommend this route! Spectacular homes, gorgeous water views, and quiet little roads that weave and meander through hills of arbutus, oak and maple. You can extend this run by adding Gordon Head, Uplands or the UVIC trails, or explore the trail network in Konukson Park and the various other trails throughout Ten Mile Point.
The “Best of Dallas” Run
10.4 km Downtown
The Dallas Road waterfront from Mile Zero to King George Terrace comprises some of Victoria’s best road running . Enjoy the spectacular view over the sparkling Salish Sea to the Olympic Mountains as you run along the paved path hugging Beacon Hill Park’s rugged shoreline. Depending on the day, you may see paragliders, kite surfers, sun worshipers, cruise ships or sailboats…even the occasional whale! Continue past beautiful Gonzales Beach, explore the historic Chinese Cemetery and marvel at the expansive ocean vista from the top of King George Terrace before turning back. The return trip takes you over Moss Rock Park where you get yet another perspective of Victoria’s incredible Dallas Road waterfront.
The Corkscrew Run (Highland Road)
9 km View Royal
Looking for a delightful roller coaster run along a quiet country road that twists and turns through forests and lakes? This is it! You would be hard pressed to find a more beautiful forested road route anywhere. Bordering both Thetis Lake and Francis-King Parks, you might consider extending your run by returning to the start via a network of awesome park trails (example: https://ca.mapometer.com/running/route_4923805.html), or via Prospect and Burnside West roads (https://ca.mapometer.com/running/route_4922867.html).
Magnificent Mini Prospect Run
9.5 km Saanich
Looking for a fun, roller coaster route? Something about 10 km? This is the run for you! Scenic, quiet roads and lots of rolling hills to keep things interesting, this shorter Prospect Lake route is one of our favourites. If you want to extend your run further, many excellent options are available (example: https://ca.mapometer.com/running/route_4909456.html).
Medium Road Routes
The Great Lochside Ice Cream Run
13 km Saanich
What was once an old railway line, the Lochside Trail (https://www.crd.bc.ca/parks-recreation-culture/parks-trails/find-park-trail/lochside) extends 29 km from Swartz Bay ferry terminal south to Victoria where it intersects the Galloping Goose Trail near Uptown. “Lochside” is a popular route for runners, walkers, cyclists and horseback riders. Flat and scenic with a nice combination of road and smooth footpath, this section of the trail is great for either an easy jog or a brisk tempo run. Enjoy the pastoral serenity of Blenkinsop Lake and farmland of Blenkinsop valley, the ocean vistas across to San Juan Island from Cordova Bay, then stop for an ice cream at Mattick’s Farm before returning. Several trail options are available if you want to extend your run further: Mt. Doug trails, Rithet’s Bog loop trail, Broadmead trail network, Beaver-Elk Lake trails, or continuing north on Lochside Trail.
Mile Zero to West Bay Marina
14.4 km Downtown
This is one of Victoria’s best paved running routes. It begins at Mile Zero, the starting point of the famous 7,821-km Trans-Canada Highway, one of the longest routes of its type in the world. Take a short (1,600m return) side trip out to the end of the Ogden Point breakwater, enjoy the historical sights of the Inner Harbour with the Parliament Buildings and Empress Hotel, traverse the new Johnson St. bridge and follow the scenic Songhees (Westsong) Walkway that hugs the rugged shoreline to West Bay Marina. To extend your run, continue to MacAulay and Saxe Point Parks, join the Galloping Goose Trail or the E&N Rail Trail.
Awesome Landsend-Tatlow 10-Miler
15.5 km North Saanich
This is a great road run around the north end of the Saanich Peninsula on quiet and scenic rural roads. A gently rolling route, it offers frequent water glimpses, beautiful farmland and stately homes. This route can be easily shortened. For a longer run, include some of the trail network near Landsend Rd. or Horth Hill, or continue through Deep Cove to the lovely beach at Patricia Bay.
Classic Prospect Lake Run
16.4 km Saanich
Routes that include Prospect Lake are always amongst our favourite road runs in Victoria. This particular loop is perhaps the best of all. With pastoral scenes of small farms, lakes and forest, this rolling 16-km loop offers a truly exhilarating running experience as it snakes through some of the most beautiful and picturesque countryside in BC. You will not be disappointed!
The Perfect South Victoria Loop
16.5 km Downtown and Oak Bay
Starting at the foot of Cook St. on Dallas Rd., this largely waterfront route takes you past several of Victoria’s finest beaches, including Ross Bay, Gonzales Bay, McNeill Bay and lovely Willows Beach. Enjoy the spectacular vistas from Anderson Hill, delightful back streets of Oak Bay and the stately homes of King George Terrace, Beach Drive and Rockland Ave.
Long Road Routes
Lochside Loop
17 km Saanich
This is one of our favourite runs combining gentle paths and quiet roads that take you through farmland and upscale residential areas, with a beautiful lake crossing at beginning and end. Got some time? Stop at Mattick’s Farm for an ice cream!
Old West Roller Coaster Loop
17 km Saanich
This run is sheer delight! It starts with the roller coaster of quiet, meandering Goward Rd., passes the north end of beautiful Prospect Lake, then follows a good footpath to flat and pastoral Wallace Drive. Your legs will have just enough time to recover before returning to the start via the main attraction: another delightful rural roller coaster, Old West Saanich Rd. Enjoy!
The Great Esquimalt Waterfront Loop
22 km Esquimalt
This route features some of the best waterfront running in the Victoria area, including the scenic Songhees (Westsong) Walkway, Gorge Park and Gorge Walkway, Galloping Goose footpath, and Saxe Point and Macaulay Point Parks.
Victoria’s Best Waterfront Loop (Mile Zero to Cattle Point)
23 km Victoria and Oak Bay
Stunning ocean vistas and some of Victoria’s most exquisite real estate… what could make for a more appealing run? This route takes you through some of the city’s most expensive residential areas, such as Beach Drive, Oak Bay, Uplands and Rockland, as well as Victoria’s jewel: Beacon Hill Park. Enjoy watching the kite surfers, sailboats and sun worshipers as you run past arguably the most spectacular waterfront of any city on the planet. (No, we’re not biased!)
The Epic Highlands Road Run
31 km Highlands and Saanich
You would be challenged to find a more delightful road run in Victoria. Indeed, this is one of our very favourite long runs. This roller coaster run takes you along narrow, quiet rural roads that twist and turn through picturesque forest and farmland, past idyllic lakes and beautiful homes. Several excellent options exist to either extend or shorten this route (ie: eliminating Goward Rd. removes 3 km).
10 Select Road Routes North of Victoria
Beautiful Berry Point 9K
9 km Gabriola Island
The road route between Twin Beaches and Berry Point on Gabriola Island is a 6.8 km waterfront delight. With this particular route we’ve added a small loop around a point at the beginning, and included a fun trail to make your run 9 km. Generally flat with very light traffic, the route follows the coastline with expansive views over the Strait of Georgia towards Lasqueti and Texada Islands, and the snow-capped Coast mountains beyond. Have a swim at Twin Beaches following your run, or stop at the Surf Pub for a refreshment along the way… Island life doesn’t get any better than this!
Thain-Kingbourne Loop
10 km Cobble Hill
Starting and ending at the Quarry (Kingzett Lake), continue along the quiet and picturesque gravel section of Thain Road, past the old colonial-style farmhouse (used in the 1994 film, “Little Women”), and turn left onto Kingburne Rd. The route takes you through lovely rolling farmland until you reach a small footpath on your left. If you miss it, continue to the end of the road and pick up one of the main trails going back to the Quarry. If 10 km of gently undulating country roads and trails leave you wanting, run back along Thain towards the old farmhouse and pick up the trail leading into Cobble Hill Mtn. Park. Enjoy challenging yourself on a plethora of exhilarating single track trails, then replenish your electrolytes at either the Cobblestone or Black Swan pubs.
Cusheon-Beddis Loop
11 km Salt Spring Island
Short and sweet, this route beside beautiful Cusheon Lake and along pastoral Beddis Road is sheer delight. You can make the run longer by adding additional roads on the Mt. Maxwell side of Fulford-Ganges Rd. No water, but there is an outhouse at the small Cusheon Lake Park. Stop for a swim after your run!
Marvelous Mill Bay Loop
13 km Mill Bay
This delightful run in the heart of Mill Bay ticks all the boxes: ocean front, lakeside, quiet roads, easy-to-run trails and lots of nature… Start at either Frayne Centre or Mill Bay Centre. Dogs can be off leash on Old Bamberton Haul Road (closed to traffic) and on the trail by Rat Lake (between Haul Road and Frayne Centre).
The Rambling Richard’s Trail-Mays Loop
13 km Duncan
Both Richard’s Trail and Mays roads are two of the best roads for running in the Cowichan Valley. Very quiet, with exquisite pastoral scenery… the route twists and rolls through hills of pasture and forest. At 13 km, this route makes for a great recovery run for marathoners, or a good test for others!
Maple Bay-Herd-Lakes 10 Miler
16 km Duncan
This is the classic Maple Bay-Herd Rd. loop that includes lake views, ocean vistas and lots of pastoral farmland. The roads are busier than some in the area, but still make for very enjoyable running. Add additional roads to make your route longer (ie: Genoa Bay or Richard’s Trail). However, unless you’re willing to swim across Quamichan Lake, the 16 km loop cannot be made shorter!
Yellow Point Loop
20 km Cedar – Yellow Pt.
Picturesque farmland dotted with small lakes, quiet, gently rolling country roads…there are few areas more delightful to run than Yellow Point. Check out the famous Yellow Point Lodge, or post-run enjoy a special pint at the ‘Old English’-style Crow&Gate Pub.
The Sensational Shawnigan Half
21.5 km Shawnigan Lake
The road loop around Shawnigan Lake is steeped in running lore, and for good reason. At just over Half marathon distance, this route served as one of the premier road races on Vancouver Island for some 30 years. Several Olympic runners have tested themselves on this course, including Jon Brown, Dave Campbell and Debbie Scott-Bowker, among others. Its appeal is quickly apparent within the first few kilometres… the undulating ribbon of road snakes along the lakeshore, through lush forest and past expensive lakefront properties. Mercifully, the route has only one long hill. Scenic and, despite the rolling terrain, surprisingly fast, this run will become one of your favourites!
The Great Genoa Bay Half
21.5 km Duncan
How scenic do you want your route? This run will leave you breathless…in two ways! We suggest starting from the far north end of Arbutus Ave. and running to beautiful Genoa Bay marina before turning back. A smidge over a half marathon, this undulating route takes you around the stunning coast of Maple Bay and continues along a quiet, meandering country road to laid back Genoa Bay. Stop at the Genoa Bay Restaurant for refreshment, then return the same way. End your run with a pint at either Maple Bay Marina’s ‘Shipyard Pub’ or the Lion Rampant Scottish Pub.
SUNsational Sunset Drive-Walker Hook Loop
23 km Salt Spring Island
Hands down, this is our very favourite Salt Spring road run. Pastoral sheep farms, ocean vistas, and an awesome roller coaster of a road… does it get any better? Starting at the athletic park (track) and going clockwise, the first two kilometres will have the most traffic. As soon as you turn onto Sunset Drive the traffic thins out, and the road gets more interesting…and more challenging! The route takes you around the north end of the island before hugging the shoreline along North Beach and Walker Hook roads. Continue up a long gradual hill to Stark Rd, then enjoy another thrilling roller coaster through to North End Rd. and a quick dash back to the start. Water is available at the track and at Fernwood.